
تفخر Gift of Life Michigan بتنظيم وترويج مجموعة متنوعة من الأحداث التي تهدف إلى تشجيع التبرع بالأعضاء والأنسجة في ميشيغان وفي جميع أنحاء البلاد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، غالبًا ما ندعم الأحداث المجتمعية من خلال الهدايا وجداول المعلومات والمتطوعين أو المتحدثين العاملين. لطلب المساعدة بخصوص هذا الحدث الخاص بك ، الرجاء النقر فوق الارتباط "اتصل بنا" أدناه.

  • كل الأحداث
  • تواصل اجتماعي
  • شهر الحياة الوطني للتبرع
  • Partner Events
Donate Life flag
Community, National Donate Life Month | أبريل 1 @12:00 م - 1:00 م

Donate Life Flag Raising

Victoria Houser, Municipal Clerk of Battle Creek, has submitted a proclamation to fly the Donate Life flag at the Battle Creek Municipal building to recognize April as Donate Life Month. Join us to raise the Donate Life flag! Everyone is welcome, no RSVP required.

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Liver transplant recipient Marge Del Greco holds a newly created comfort blanket.
Community, Partner Events | أبريل 8 @10:00 ص - 3:00 م

Comfort Blanket Repair Event

Join us for a Repair / Comfort Blanket event!


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Wolverines For Life logo
Partner Events | أبريل 8 @11:30 ص - 1:30 م

Beyond the Gift (webinar) – Wolverines For Life

Organ donation is more than a gift—it’s a legacy of hope. In this compelling webinar, leading experts and inspiring voices will explore the latest advancements in transplant technology and share powerful, real-life stories of donation.

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A group of transplant recipients taking a selfie at the 2024 Champions Gala
Community, National Donate Life Month | مايو 2 @5:30 م - 10:00 م

Gift of Life Champions Gala

Gift of Life will host the seventh annual Champions Gala on Friday, May 2, 2025 at The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit. The awards represent every aspect of the donation process from efforts to grow the Michigan Organ Donor Registry to incredible work at schools, hospitals, transplant centers and more.

عرض المناسبة
Community | يونيو 17 @11:00 ص - 1:00 م

تحقق من قلبك كابيتول رالي

Join hundreds of organ, eye and tissue donation supporters at the State Capitol in Lansing to encourage legislators to pass laws supportive of donation and transplant! Hear inspiring speakers, visit our partners’ info booths, and enjoy lunch with us.

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Betsy Miner-Swartz shows the donor tribute mural to a group at Gift of Life
Community | أغسطس 12 @2:00 م - 4:00 م

Check Your Heart Open House

Please join us for our annual Community Open House. Our doors will open at 1:30 p.m. with a brief program starting promptly at 2:15 p.m.


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أرشيفات الأحداث

15th annual Kountz Callender Drew Transplant Symposium
Continuing Education, Partner Events | مارس 19 @8:00 ص - 4:30 م

15th Annual Kountz Callender Drew Transplant Symposium

The Kountz Callender Drew Transplant symposium is an annual event that assembles the health system community. The information shared is to aid health professionals on numerous levels to provide the best and equitable care to patients and families in the SE Michigan area. The symposium is designed to promote an exchange of ideas on healthcare disparities and their impact on organ and tissue donation. National and local experts highlight ways to engage physicians, health professionals and community leaders to become champions in saving lives. Presenters examine the roles and responsibilities of professional and public education to encourage strategies to increase the number of organs available for transplantation and to promote healthier communities. This year’s theme is Transplantation: Reflective Voices, Riveting Results and Revolutionary Future.

Please join us for an appetizer and dessert reception immediately following the program. More details to follow. In the meantime, you can add that to your registration for no fee, so we know you are attending.


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Flyer for a program to help people find living kidney donors
Partner Events | مارس 17 @6:00 م - 8:00 م

Finding a Living Donor – Henry Ford Health System

This free program is offered by the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan and Henry Ford Health, to help patients find a living kidney donor. Hear directly from people who have donated a kidney and from recipients of living donor transplants!

عرض المناسبة
Flyer for a program to help people find living kidney donors
Partner Events | مارس 11 @6:00 م - 8:00 م

Finding a Living Donor – University of Michigan Health

This free program is offered by the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan and University of Michigan Health, to help patients find a living kidney donor. Hear directly from people who have donated a kidney and from recipients of living donor transplants!

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Volunteers holding up a no-sew fleece Comfort Blanket, made for a newly grieving donor family
Community, Partner Events | مارس 10 @8:00 ص - 5:00 م

Creating Comfort Blanket Event

Please join the Donate Life Coalition of Michigan, the Michigan Donor Family Council and Gift of Life Michigan at our 7ذ Annual Creating Comfort Blanket Event in Southfield on March 27th.

We are offering two time slots this year –  2-5pm and 5:30-8:30pm – so you can join us when it works best in your schedule. Stay for a full time slot or just stop in to say Hello and tie a few knots.

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Transplant Center Research Symposium
Partner Events | فبراير 26 @1:00 م - 5:00 م

1st Annual Transplant Research Symposium

Bridges to Life: Innovations in Transplant Access

University of Michigan Health cordially invites you to join us for our Transplant Center Research Symposium on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Scheduled from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and conversation until 7 p.m. We are delighted to host this celebration of the innovations in transplantation and to enhance collaboration.

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Campus Challenge logo
Community | 23 يناير - 27 فبراير

Campus Challenge 2025

Post-secondary students across the state will compete to see which school can save and heal more lives!

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Paddles for a Purpose
Community | نوفمبر 23, 2024 - نوفمبر 24, 2024

Paddles for a Purpose

Four Michigan pickleball players will attempt to set a new Guinness World Record by completing more than 34 hours and 6 minutes of consecutive pickleball play.

Watch the livestream here.

Help us beat our fundraising goal of $20,000 – we are 75% of the way there!

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flower-covered wooden casket
Continuing Education | أكتوبر 9, 2024 @9:00 ص - 5:00 م

المنتدى التعليمي لمحترفي الجنازات و MEIs

Funeral professionals and Medical Examiner Investigators from across the state will gather to learn about innovations and best practices in working with donors and their families.

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HOSA student with her poster promoting organ donation
Community | أكتوبر 7, 2024 - أكتوبر 25, 2024

HOSA Challenge 2024

Join the service project that saves lives و earns you money. Michigan HOSA Chapters that participate in the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge between October 7 and October 25, 2024 will earn points for cash prizes.

عرض المناسبة
Gift of Life Michigan President and CEO Dorrie Dils with other supporters of organ, eye and tissue donation on the field at Comerica Park
Community | أغسطس 2, 2024 @6:40 م - 10:00 م

Donate Life Night at the Detroit Tigers

Join our partners at the Donate Life Coalition of Michigan and many Gift of Life staff and volunteers for a fun night at Comerica Park promoting organ, eye and tissue donation!

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