
بات جولدن

بات جولدن

الأم ، نانا ، الزوجة المحبة ، الصديق العزيز ، العناية ، المحبة ، العطاء هي مجرد كلمات قليلة تصف أمي ، بات جولدن.

كانت أكثر شخص عطاء عرفته حتى وفاتها في 14/12/09. على الرغم من علمها أن جسدها قد تعرض للتلف والتعب والإرهاق ، إلا أنها قالت اسمح لهم باستخدام كل ما في وسعهم لمساعدة شخص آخر.

بسبب تبرعها بعينيها شخصان استعادوا البصر الآن. يا له من إرث جميل تركته ورثته لنا جميعًا بحبها غير الأناني. سأحمل هذا الإرث من أجلك ومن أجل أحفادك.

أنا سوف أحبك إلى الأبد،
ديبي لانج

فاولرفيل ، ميشيغان

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قراءة المزيد من المشاركات
Ben, Karen and Mallaki Hayes

Mallaki receives the gift of life and a new family

Ben and Karen Hayes knew no one could care for the foster boy like they…

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Patrick Pruitt's eyesight was saved by a cornea donor when he was a young child.

Cornea recipient celebrates his gift of sight

I’m here because 32 years ago I received a life-changing gift. Sight is an easy…

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Terri Finch Hamilton's father was a donor-in-spirit at the end of his life.

My dad is a ‘donor in spirit’

I was sitting in my living room, numb with grief, when the phone rang. My…

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Sherry Johnson, with hair pulled back right, sits on her bed in her hospital room while she waits for a second heart and kidney transplant. Her forearm is facing the camera so we can see her tattoo, representing her original heart and her first transplanted heart.

You gave me your heart so I could live my dreams

Sherry Johnson shares her experiences as a heart transplant patient who waits again Sherry Johnson…

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Taneisha Carswell received a kidney transplant from her cousin. Her young nephew later became a donor.

Staff Spotlight: As a donation educator, Taneisha Carswell knows when to talk and when to listen

Gift of Life staffer’s kidney transplant gives her personal perspective If Taneisha Carswell doesn’t convince…

اقرأ أكثر
Chris Kowalski shared his story as a heart transplant recipient at the 2023 Inspiring Champions Symposium.

Volunteer Spotlight: Chris Kowalski speaks while he waits for a life-saving heart transplant

Not much will stop this volunteer from telling his story Chris Kowalski won’t let much…

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