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Kendall Todd received a heart transplant shortly after being added to the national waiting list.
Blog, Stories of Hope | مارس 14, 2025

“We are so grateful for them. They didn’t have to donate. They chose to.” 

When Cewanda Todd was 19-weeks pregnant, she was told her unborn daughter had a heart condition.   “Our doctors told us that she wouldn’t make…

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Jessica Bailey with her father, Deacon Lawrence Bailey, at a Detroit Lions game.
Blog, Stories of Hope | فبراير 18, 2025

Kidney recipient and passionate advocate becomes tissue donor

Deacon Lawrence J. Bailey was a kidney transplant recipient, husband, father and a fervent advocate for organ and tissue donation. Thanks to his selfless decision…

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Steven Dye received a kidney transplant when his coworker, Jaime donated a kidney.
Blog, Stories of Hope | فبراير 7, 2025

Police officer’s life saved by a colleague

Steven Dye seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms before he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.   “I had gone to visit my doctor for my…

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Jen Bennett has a new outlook on life, finding herself even more sympathetic and patient with people after her burn accident.
Blog, Stories of Hope | فبراير 6, 2025

Gift of donor skin saves a mother of three after severe burn accident

Jen Bennett, a mother of three from Ravenna, Mich., was working hard to get healthier for her family in 2022. Ten months before the accident,…

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Michael Love, two-time double lung transplant recipient, is a Gift of Life volunteer
Blog, Stories of Hope | ديسمبر 10, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Two-time lung recipient gives hope to those waiting for a miracle of their own

When Michael Love woke up groggy from his lung transplant surgery in 2015, he instinctively felt his nose for the cannula that had delivered life-sustaining…

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Donor mom Kathy Vogelsang holding a framed photo of her daughter, Rebecca
Blog, Stories of Hope | ديسمبر 10, 2024

A donor mom becomes leader in the donation community

Kathy Vogelsang lends vision as chair of Gift of Life’s Governing Board  Kathy Vogelsang said goodbye to her daughter, Rebecca, as the bright and funny…

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Tim Schramm holding a photo of his father, Ray, in military uniform
Blog, Stories of Hope | ديسمبر 9, 2024

“Precious gifts saved my dad.”

One family’s story of tragedy, skin donation and 26 years of borrowed time Roy Schramm shouldn’t have survived.  With burns over 60% of his body,…

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Hailey Brouillet had a fantastic time in Europe shortly before she passed and became an organ donor. Pictured here holding a red rose in front of a tall building.
Blog, Stories of Hope | أكتوبر 22, 2024

Sharing her spirit

Hailey Brouillet was 20 years old and in her junior year at Oakland University when she was hit by a reckless driver in October 2013….

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Sue Pilon
Blog, Stories of Hope | أكتوبر 15, 2024

Celebrating BRA Day and the gift of tissue donation

Each year, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Gift of Life Michigan recognizes Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day.  The goal of BRA Day is…

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Blake Hermann, liver transplant recipient, playing with foam numbers on a wall.
Blog, Stories of Hope | أكتوبر 9, 2024

Two-year-old Blake receives life-changing liver transplant

When Blake Hermann was seven months old, his mother, Molly, noticed that he wasn’t progressing like his twin sister Anna. He had yet to roll…

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Chef Oliver Hale is a two-time kidney transplant recipient
Blog, Stories of Hope | أغسطس 17, 2024

Transplant Throwback: Chef Oliver Hale Organ Donation Journey

Name: Chef Oliver Hale (Chef O)  Age: 71  Home: Kentwood, Michigan  Transplant: Kidney, twice    Why did you need a transplant, and when did it…

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Leslie Palacios is a double cornea transplant recipient who shares her story in Hispanic communities
Blog, Stories of Hope | أغسطس 16, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: With her vision restored, Leslie Palacios helps others see the need to be donors

Before Leslie Palacios received two new corneas, her life was a blur.  The Grand Rapids mom of two struggled to read, to cook, to see…

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Suzanne's husband and daughter met her lung and heart recipients
Blog, Stories of Hope | أغسطس 15, 2024

Mom of five can breath again

Carla Bussell waited six years to take a good breath.   In 2009, shortly after the birth of her fourth son, she started experiencing shortness of…

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Lisa Haney at the Michigan Capitol steps during the Check Your Heart Capitol Rally
Blog, Stories of Hope | أغسطس 14, 2024

Small steps to a big milestone

As an Army sergeant and medic, Lisa Haney was trained to save lives. Then her own life was saved during the military discharge process in…

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David Rozelle, heart transplant recipient
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | أبريل 17, 2024

Transplant Throwback: David Rozelle

Name: David Rozelle Age: 86 Home: Kalamazoo, Michigan Transplant: Heart Why did you need a transplant and when did it happen? I had a serious…

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