We have an exciting evening planned for you at John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids!

متى: Thursday, July 17, 2025, from 6 - 9 PM
أين: John Ball Zoo, 1300 W. Fulton Street, Grand Rapids MI, 49504
ماذا: Explore John Ball Zoo, check out resources from our community partners, and enjoy some Dippin’ Dots on us! سنكرم أيضًا المتبرعين والمستلمين في Celebration of Life Trail ، وهي ميزة مهمة لا تريد أن تفوتها.
COST: $5 donation per person is recommended
علاوة: Make a $10 (suggested minimum) donation to Gift of Life Michigan and receive a Donate Life Night at the Zoo t-shirt!
Questions? Contact [email protected].