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شاهد التأثير
قصص الأمل
Police officer’s life saved by a colleague
Steven Dye seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms before he was diagnosed with chronic kidney…
Gift of donor skin saves a mother of three after severe burn accident
Jen Bennett, a mother of three from Ravenna, Mich., was working hard to get healthier…
Volunteer Spotlight: Two-time lung recipient gives hope to those waiting for a miracle of their own
When Michael Love woke up groggy from his lung transplant surgery in 2015, he instinctively…
A donor mom becomes leader in the donation community
Kathy Vogelsang lends vision as chair of Gift of Life’s Governing Board Kathy Vogelsang said…
“Precious gifts saved my dad.”
One family’s story of tragedy, skin donation and 26 years of borrowed time Roy Schramm…
Sharing her spirit
Hailey Brouillet was 20 years old and in her junior year at Oakland University when…