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قصص الأمل
Transplant Throwback: Chef Oliver Hale
Name: Chef Oliver Hale (Chef O) Age: 71 Home: Kentwood, Michigan Transplant: Kidney, twice …
Volunteer Spotlight: With her vision restored, Leslie Palacios helps others see the need to be donors
Before Leslie Palacios received two new corneas, her life was a blur. The Grand Rapids…
Mom of five can breath again
Carla Bussell waited six years to take a good breath. In 2009, shortly after the…
Small steps to a big milestone
As an Army sergeant and medic, Lisa Haney was trained to save lives. Then her…
Transplant Throwback: David Rozelle
Name: David Rozelle Age: 86 Home: Kalamazoo, Michigan Transplant: Heart Why did you need a…
Mallaki receives the gift of life and a new family
Ben and Karen Hayes knew no one could care for the foster boy like they…