Dia de Muertos images

Gift of Life Michigan is pleased to honor your loved ones through our digital Día de Muertos altar, or ofrenda.  Día de Muertos is a celebration of life, a time to honor those who have died and remember the good that they did during their lives. For some, this includes giving the gifts of life, sight, mobility and hope to others.

Donate Life logoDía de Muertos is celebrated in Mexico and other parts of Latin America and has gained popularity in the United States. Traditionally, an ofrenda - or altar - includes photos of departed loved ones, candles, bread and foods, items that were important to those being remembered, homemade perforated paper (papel picado), marigolds (cempasúchiles), and skulls made of sugar (calaveras).

We invited our staff, volunteers and other supporters to share a photo and short message to remember our loved ones. We are honored to share those photos and messages below, and we encourage you to reflect on them with us.

Hover your mouse or tap on the photos to flip them over.

Gift of Life Michigan se complace en honrar a sus seres queridos a través de nuestro ofrenda digital del Día de Muertos. El Día de Muertos es una celebración de la vida, un momento para honrar a quienes han fallecido y recordar el bien que hicieron durante su vida. Para algunos, esto incluye regalar vida, vista, movilidad y esperanza a otros.

Done VidaEl Día de Muertos se celebra en México y otras partes de América Latina y ha ganado popularidad en Estados Unidos. Tradicionalmente, una ofrenda incluye fotografías de seres queridos fallecidos, velas, pan y alimentos, artículos que eran importantes para los recordados, papel perforado casero (papel picado), caléndulas (cempasúchiles) y calaveras hechas de azúcar).

Invitamos a nuestro personal, voluntarios y otros simpatizantes a compartir una foto y un mensaje breve para recordar a nuestros seres queridos. Nos sentimos honrados de compartir esas fotos y mensajes a continuación, y lo alentamos a reflexionar sobre ellos con nosotros.

Pase el mouse o toque las fotos para darles la vuelta.

Pamela Harless

Pamela H.

Pamelia was an RN at St. Mary’s in Livonia. She passed away in 2015.

Travis Ybarra holding a fish he caught

Travis Y.

Travis Ybarra Blood/Tissue/Organ/Eye Donor We will remember you. We will celebrate you.

Jerre Gostlin

Jerre G.

Mom would be so happy to know she helped, no matter how big or small.

Zachary Sequin

Zachary S.

Colorful splash image

Jake Katzenberger

Jake K.

Forever our amazing little boy. We miss you every second of every day.

Amicia Marie Bowman

Amicia B.

Amicia Marie Bowman1/1/91 - 9/11/24Cornea Donor

David Chateau

David C.

Colorful splash image

Jonathan Connors

Jonathan C.

Jonathan’s enormous love will forever live on. He was loyal, intelligent, loving and kind.

Larry Kulpa

Larry K.

Seth Maynard

Seth M.

“Never give up.”If love could have saved you, you would still be here.

Mary Jo Toth

Mary Jo T.

"Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my heart is a memory and there you’ll always be.”  We love you, Mary Jo.

Thomas E. Cook, Jr.

Thomas C.

Thomas E. Cook Jr. died of an unexpected brain aneurysm 4/19/2019 at age 60. Through Gifts of LIfe  He has given to so many people his tissues, bones, veins and sight.

Mia H.

Mia Elizabeth Howard 06/25/2004 - 09/22/2021

Willie Vandever

Willie V.

His passing leaves a void, but his kindness continues to have a lasting impact.

Knox Benxten

Knox B.

You are forever our guardian angel. Mommy & Daddy will forever love and miss you. Your grandpa, nana, uncles, aunts, and cousins love and miss you, too.

Cecilia Garcia

Cecilia G.

Our Cecilia thank you for being the most caring, generous, wonderful young lady. Thank you for being In Our lifes. We Love you Always. Dad

Perrelia Bouldin

Perrelia B.

"The true definition of unconditional love."

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