African American Outreach

A pesar de un historial de desconfianza y desinformación, los médicos trabajarán igual de duro para salvarle la vida.

La comunidad habló

Y escuchamos

No es raro que los afroamericanos desconfíen del sistema de atención médica y sean escépticos con respecto al proceso de donación de órganos y tejidos. Lanzamos Let's Talk para llegar a esas comunidades, donde es más probable que las personas necesiten un trasplante de órganos, pero menos probabilidades de que se registren como donantes. Hablamos con personas de la comunidad y los alentamos a compartir sus historias, a romper con los conceptos erróneos, a abordar los mitos y a alentar a sus vecinos, familiares y amigos a que se inscriban como donantes.

En los EE. UU., hay más de 100 000 personas esperando un órgano que les salve la vida, y alrededor del 60 por ciento de ellas representan minorías raciales y étnicas. En Michigan, es alrededor del 40 por ciento de los pacientes en lista de espera. Esta es una discusión que puede salvar vidas.

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  • Let's Talk - Afroamericano
Kendall Todd received a heart transplant shortly after being added to the national waiting list.

“We are so grateful for them. They didn’t have to donate. They chose to.” 

When Cewanda Todd was 19-weeks pregnant, she was told her unborn daughter had a heart condition.   “Our doctors told us that she wouldn’t make it,” Cewanda said. “We chose to continue the pregnancy anyway….

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Jessica Bailey with her father, Deacon Lawrence Bailey, at a Detroit Lions game.

Kidney recipient and passionate advocate becomes tissue donor

Deacon Lawrence J. Bailey was a kidney transplant recipient, husband, father and a fervent advocate for organ and tissue donation. Thanks to his selfless decision to join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry, he helped save…

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Steven Dye received a kidney transplant when his coworker, Jaime donated a kidney.

Police officer’s life saved by a colleague

Steven Dye seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms before he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.   “I had gone to visit my doctor for my annual physical,” said the Ann Arbor native. “Not sure how…

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Michael Love, two-time double lung transplant recipient, is a Gift of Life volunteer

Volunteer Spotlight: Two-time lung recipient gives hope to those waiting for a miracle of their own

When Michael Love woke up groggy from his lung transplant surgery in 2015, he instinctively felt his nose for the cannula that had delivered life-sustaining oxygen for the previous six months.  It wasn’t there.  “I…

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Chef Oliver Hale is a two-time kidney transplant recipient

Transplant Throwback: Chef Oliver Hale Organ Donation Journey

Name: Chef Oliver Hale (Chef O)  Age: 71  Home: Kentwood, Michigan  Transplant: Kidney, twice    Why did you need a transplant, and when did it happen?  I received my first kidney transplant in 1985 after…

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Lisa Haney at the Michigan Capitol steps during the Check Your Heart Capitol Rally

Small steps to a big milestone

As an Army sergeant and medic, Lisa Haney was trained to save lives. Then her own life was saved during the military discharge process in 2017.   After serving nine years, she submitted her paperwork and…

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Ben, Karen and Mallaki Hayes

Mallaki receives the gift of life and a new family

Ben and Karen Hayes knew no one could care for the foster boy like they could A 7-year-old boy in the foster care system was recovering from a life-saving liver transplant when two strangers walked…

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Taneisha Carswell received a kidney transplant from her cousin. Her young nephew later became a donor.

Staff Spotlight: As a donation educator, Taneisha Carswell knows when to talk and when to listen

“This isn’t just a job or career for me,” Taniesha Carswell said. “It’s a passion. There’s no other job I could love this much, knowing that every day we’re saving lives through education, getting people to put that heart on their ID.”
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Mike Lopez (left) received a liver transplant when John Edmond (right) donated his 7-year old daughter's organs

A brotherhood is born out of death, life and gratitude

John Edmond barely gave it a thought as a woman from Gift of Life Michigan entered his young daughter’s room in the pediatric Intensive Care Unit. He knew his 7-year-old would not survive her accidental…

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Curpri Sanders received the gift of a tissue donation for her reconstruction surgery after a double mastectomy.

Tissue Donation for Breast Cancer Survior

“I can look in the mirror every day and not be reminded of the hell I went through.” Curpri Sanders experienced the happiest time in her life and the saddest in the same month. As…

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Tengamos esta conversación juntos

Lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros en una experiencia virtual para elevar la conversación sobre los beneficios de estos obsequios que salvan vidas. Habla con tus familias. Tus amigos. Tus redes sociales.

Nos necesitamos el uno al otro.

Un solo donante de órganos puede salvar hasta ocho vidas. Un donante de tejido puede ayudar a curar a otras 75 personas.

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