Latino Outreach

La decisión de donar es una decisión importante. Sabemos que la fe y la familia informan esta decisión.

La comunidad habló

Y escuchamos

Faith and family play a large role in the decision to become an organ and tissue donor among the Latino community. We launched Let’s Talk to reach out to those communities, where people are more likely to need an organ transplant, yet less likely to sign up as donors. We talked with people in the community and in faith centers and encouraged them to share their stories, to break down misconceptions, to address myths and to encourage their neighbors, families and friends to sign up as donors.

En los Estados Unidos, hay alrededor de 110.000 personas esperando un órgano que les salve la vida, y alrededor del 60 por ciento de ellas representan minorías raciales y étnicas. En Michigan, es aproximadamente la mitad de los pacientes en lista de espera. Esta es una discusión que puede salvar vidas.

Conversaciones comunitarias

Leer historias de esperanza

Dain Mendoza works for Gift of Life Michigan. His mom received a lung transplant.

Staff Spotlight: Dain Mendoza lives the mission that saved his mother’s life

“At least once a week, I walk these hallways and I can’t believe I get to work here,” Dain Mendoza said. “Even on those hard days, you think about someone who is going to get more time with their mom, dad or child because of our donors. That’s so powerful, and I don’t take it for granted.” 
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Leslie Palacios is a double cornea transplant recipient who shares her story in Hispanic communities

Volunteer Spotlight: With her vision restored, Leslie Palacios helps others see the need to be donors

Before Leslie Palacios received two new corneas, her life was a blur.  The Grand Rapids mom of two struggled to read, to cook, to see her son play football and her triathlete husband cross the…

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Suzanne's husband and daughter met her lung and heart recipients

Mom of five can breath again

Carla Bussell waited six years to take a good breath.   In 2009, shortly after the birth of her fourth son, she started experiencing shortness of breath. She was tired all the time and started passing…

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Mike Lopez (left) received a liver transplant when John Edmond (right) donated his 7-year old daughter's organs

A brotherhood is born out of death, life and gratitude

John Edmond barely gave it a thought as a woman from Gift of Life Michigan entered his young daughter’s room in the pediatric Intensive Care Unit. He knew his 7-year-old would not survive her accidental…

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Guadalupe Alejos, who received a kidney transplant 50 years ago, standing in front of the Kidney Transplant Center sign

Transplant Throwback: Guadalupe Alejos 

In this series we are looking back with transplant recipients and learning how they are making the most of their second chance at life. In this issue we talk with Guadalupe Alejos, who received a kidney transplant from his brother 50 years ago!
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Terra DeFoe, donor mother, stands in front of a church stained glass window

Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre los Donantes de las Minorías

August is National Minority Donor Awareness Month, designated to heighten awareness about organ and tissue donation in multicultural communities. Originally observed in a single week in 1996, this awareness month is a collaborative effort by…

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La pareja de Fenton aprovecha la experiencia para promover la donación de órganos

'No tenía miedo de morir. Siempre hay esperanza', dice receptor de trasplante de pulmón
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Woman seated on couch holding white stuffed animal with sequin heart

“Nunca supe lo que era sentirse normal”

Marcia Toda escuchó recientemente el corazón de su hija latir, aún fuerte, en el pecho de Lauren Herrera, de 31 años. Las dos mujeres se conocieron recientemente en el campus de Gift of Life Michigan en Ann Arbor.
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Man at barbeque grill

'Quería que saliera algo bueno de eso'

La madre de Muskegon celebra el segundo aniversario de la muerte de su hijo, la donación de órganos Muskegon, MI - Amanda Garza tiene una versión impresa del último texto que recibió de su hijo, Nathanael. Dice: "Solo estoy pensando en ti ...

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Aimee Cruz, two-time liver transplant recipient, smiles for the camera in front of a white brick wall

'Veo la vida de una manera diferente ahora'

Aimee Cruz sería la primera persona en decirte que tiene suerte de estar viva. Originaria de Puerto Rico, la residente de Ann Arbor ha tenido tres trasplantes de hígado en su vida y está agradecida por…

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Nos necesitamos el uno al otro.

Un solo donante de órganos puede salvar hasta ocho vidas. Un donante de tejido puede ayudar a curar a otras 75 personas.

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