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Remeberance Ceremony

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Historias de esperanza

Kendall Todd received a heart transplant shortly after being added to the national waiting list.

“We are so grateful for them. They didn’t have to donate. They chose to.” 

When Cewanda Todd was 19-weeks pregnant, she was told her unborn daughter had a heart…

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Jessica Bailey with her father, Deacon Lawrence Bailey, at a Detroit Lions game.

Kidney recipient and passionate advocate becomes tissue donor

Deacon Lawrence J. Bailey was a kidney transplant recipient, husband, father and a fervent advocate…

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Steven Dye received a kidney transplant when his coworker, Jaime donated a kidney.

Police officer’s life saved by a colleague

Steven Dye seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms before he was diagnosed with chronic kidney…

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Jen Bennett has a new outlook on life, finding herself even more sympathetic and patient with people after her burn accident.

Gift of donor skin saves a mother of three after severe burn accident

Jen Bennett, a mother of three from Ravenna, Mich., was working hard to get healthier…

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Michael Love, two-time double lung transplant recipient, is a Gift of Life volunteer

Volunteer Spotlight: Two-time lung recipient gives hope to those waiting for a miracle of their own

When Michael Love woke up groggy from his lung transplant surgery in 2015, he instinctively…

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Donor mom Kathy Vogelsang holding a framed photo of her daughter, Rebecca

A donor mom becomes leader in the donation community

Kathy Vogelsang lends vision as chair of Gift of Life’s Governing Board  Kathy Vogelsang said…

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