Únase al Registro de Donantes de Órganos de Michigan

Joining the Registro de donantes de órganos de Michigan means that upon your death, you agree to become an organ, eye and tissue donor to save up to 8 lives, and potentially heal up to 125 others.

It's important to share your decision with your loved ones.

no tengo un licencia de conducir de michigan o identificación? ¡Ningún problema! Todavía puede completar el formulario para unirse al Registro de donantes de órganos de Michigan.

Note: This registration is a binding, legal document of your generous gift. You affirm the information provided is accurate. You agree upon death to donate all eligible organs, eyes and tissue. This is referred to as First Person Authorization. 


Agregar su nombre es simple:
  1. Compruebe el ❤️ symbol on your license or state ID.
  2. Si no tienes uno, complete el formulario aquí para unirse al Registro de Donantes.
  3. Después de unirse, recibirá un enlace para solicitar el ❤️ símbolo de donante de la Secretaría de Estado para su identificación estatal.

Photo of a Michigan Driver's License with the red heart "DONOR" symbol enlarged for emphasis Check Your Heart (with logo)

Adding your name to the Registro de donantes de órganos de Michigan is the most selfless act possible. You’re joining more than 4.5 million Michigan residents in giving hope to those on the transplant waiting list and providing them and their families the chance to make more memories.

Talk to your family about your decision to Donate Life and ask about their wishes.

Gracias por estar abierto a dar el regalo de la vida.

¡Comparta su decisión de donar con su familia y amigos!

Vuelve al comienzo