Earl Martin Dean

Earl Martin Dean

Earl was the fourth of five children and was raised in a small town in Michigan. He served his country in the Navy during the Vietnam War. While there, he was exposed to Agent Orange, which resulted in health issues later in life. Earl graduated from Ferris State College with teaching degree and taught electronics. His students remembered him for being understanding and patient, especially for those who struggled.

Earl loved his family more than anything.

He married Connie and was a devoted husband for nearly 48 years. He was the proud father of Aaron (Angel) and Heather (Chad), and papa to four grandchildren Fiona, Sage, Asa, and Bear. He enjoyed his grandchildren and wouldn’t miss an event whether it was a concert, game, field trip, or their first day of school. He always had a camera in hand, ready to record each milestone, which he faithfully compiled into a family video every Christmas-a cherished tradition.

Earl was known for his beautiful flower garden and woodwork. He could fix almost anything and often helped friends and neighbors with their projects.

Earl was a soccer fan-whether it was watching his grandkids tumble around the field or the national team in the World Cup.

Proud of you, Hon. I miss you so much. My heart is broken. You were my protector, confidant, supporter, and shoulder to lean on.

Forever in our hearts and deeply missed.

“He found the life that he was after, filled it up with love and laughter”

(Lyrics from Hell Yeah by Neil Diamond)

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