Making a financial contribution
Your generous gift - regardless of size - can make a big difference to increase awareness about organ and tissue donation and grow the Michigan Organ Donor Registry. Your financial gift helps save lives.
Honrando la vida
Un regalo conmemorativo o tributo es una forma significativa de honrar a su ser querido o recordar una ocasión especial. Su obsequio conmemorativo o tributo será un testimonio duradero para su ser querido y marcará una diferencia en las vidas de aquellos a quienes servimos.
Social Media Fundraising
Have a birthday or special occasion coming up and looking for a cause to support?
Creating a Facebook Fundraiser or adding a "Donate" sticker to an Instagram post or story are easy ways to engage your family and friends in supporting Gift of Life!
Eventos de terceros
Engage your business, team or civic group in supporting Gift of Life's mission to honor life through donation.
Whether it's a charity event, a fundraising dinner or donating a percentage of sales we are excited to work with you to make it a success.
Donación de legado
Including a financial contribution to Gift of Life Michigan in your will or estate planning offers an amazing opportunity for you to make a substantial impact for the future and further promote our mission. Please contact us to further discuss your interests and how we can help you create a lasting legacy.
Contact us about charitable giving
Director of Advancement
Susan Rink
Susan oversees the organization's charitable giving, philanthropy, grants and related programs.
Contact Susan to discuss planned giving, gifts in memory of others and third-party fundraisers.
History of Giving at Gift of Life Michigan
Up until recently, stewardship of the advancement efforts to further the mission of Gift of Life Michigan has been guided by the Gift of Life Foundation.
In an effort to maximize our efforts to impact the donation and transplantation community, the two organizations with the support of their Governing Boards agreed to merge.
The outstanding leadership and dedication of the Foundation Board of Trustees has helped our programming grow and maximize the impact of our support to our community partners.