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Jessica Bailey with her father, Deacon Lawrence Bailey, at a Detroit Lions game.
Featured | febrero 18, 2025

Kidney recipient and passionate advocate becomes tissue donor

Deacon Lawrence J. Bailey was a kidney transplant recipient, husband, father and a fervent advocate for organ and tissue donation. Thanks to his selfless decision to join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry, he helped save…

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Donor families in the March of Honor at the 2024 Check Your Heart Capitol Rally
News | junio 13, 2024

Check Your Heart Rally in Lansing focuses on educating the next generation

Hundreds gather in support of organ, eye and tissue donation   More than 400 people from across Michigan gathered outside the state Capitol building in Lansing on Wednesday, June 12 in support of organ, eye and…

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sunset colors and a cross
Blog | junio 11, 2024

Can Catholics Donate Organs?

The tenets of the Catholic faith are something many adhere to. But at times, these tenets can raise questions from those in the faith. One question that comes up for many Catholics is what the…

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Group of patients waiting for organ transplants carrying a banner reading "Waiting to Live" along the Capitol sidewalk
News | junio 10, 2024

Check Your Heart Rally at State Capitol encourages next generation to donate life

Hundreds expected in support of organ, eye and tissue donation on June 12 Hundreds of organ, eye and tissue donation supporters are expected to join Gift of Life Michigan in Lansing on June 12 to…

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May was a record month with 197 tissue donors
News | junio 5, 2024

Gift of Life Michigan has record-breaking month

197 people gave tissue in May to heal patients in need May was a record-breaking month for the state’s organ and tissue donation program, thanks to nearly 200 people who donated bone, skin, ligaments and…

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Gift of life. two hands holding kidneys.
Blog | junio 5, 2024

Long-term Effects of Kidney Donation

The decision to donate a kidney as a living donor should not be taken lightly, as it may come with potential long-term consequences like any other minimally invasive surgery. Studies have shown that living kidney…

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surgery room
Blog | junio 3, 2024

Will Doctors Still Save my Life if I’m a Registered Organ Donor?

There are many myths associated with the medical profession. One of the most common misconceptions is that doctors won’t act fast to save someone’s life if they have registered to be an organ donor. In…

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More than 12,000 people joined the Michigan Organ Donor Registry this year while filing their income tax returns.
News | mayo 14, 2024

Michigan Organ Donor Registry sees major growth thanks to Check Your Heart Act

More than 12,000 new registrants added during 2024 tax season Thanks to the Check Your Heart Act, the Michigan Organ Donor Registry has 12,475 new registrants. This increased volume resulted in year-over-year growth for the…

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Anna Malnar with her mother, Patricia Laughlin. Patricia became an organ, eye and tissue donor after her passing.
Blog | mayo 10, 2024

A Mother’s Gift

In December 2023, Patricia Laughlin was diagnosed with PCP pneumonia. Patricia had previously been diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis in 2017, a neuromuscular disorder that takes over your bones and immune system. She was immunocompromised and…

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The Oxley family
Blog | mayo 10, 2024

Superheroes Don’t Always Wear Capes

Robbie Oxley loved superheroes. On Sept. 19, 2020, the 6-year-old became one. Robbie was left brain dead after a tragic accident near his home two days earlier. Many of his friends, family, first responders and…

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David Rozelle, heart transplant recipient
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | abril 17, 2024

Transplant Throwback: David Rozelle

Name: David Rozelle Age: 86 Home: Kalamazoo, Michigan Transplant: Heart Why did you need a transplant and when did it happen? I had a serious heart attack in 1984 and made it to a hospital…

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Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

First-person authorization: What it is and how it works

Here are the basic facts about first-person authorization, what it means and how it works here in Michigan and other states that adopted the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act or Law.
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Munson Medical Center sent nearly 50 people to the Champions Gala
Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

Champions Gala recognizes leaders

Congratulations to the more than 20 people and organizations recognized this year for their extraordinary efforts to promote organ, eye and tissue donation in Michigan. Without them, and others like them, Gift of Life’s efforts…

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Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

Grateful “Kidney Sister” leaves $15,000 donation to Gift of Life

Pat Folkertsma-Garrett left a gift of more than $15,000 to Gift of Life Michigan — one of the largest the organization has received. The money will pay to educate communities about donation and fund critical work to grow the Michigan Organ Donor Registry.
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2023 was a record year for Gift of Life Michigan with 578 organ donors and 1,858 tissue donors
LifeLines, News | abril 17, 2024

Gift of Life sets organ and tissue records in 2023

Gift of Life Michigan had another record year in 2023 with a record 578 organ donors and 1,858 tissue donors last year, saving hundreds of lives and healing tens of thousands more. The 2023 figures represent a significant 25% increase in organ donors over the previous record in 2022 and a 2% increase in tissue donors.
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Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

Staff Spotlight: Leslie Casperson is saving lives Up North

“I get emotional about my work because I love helping people,” Leslie Casperson said. “I’m honored to work for Gift of Life Michigan and I can’t imagine doing it any other place than with the champions of donation in northern Michigan.”
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Evan Cotton
Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Sixteen-year-old Evan Cotton and his new heart provide comfort

“A lot of people gave me things when I needed them.” A year after his heart transplant, the now energetic Evan has big plans to do what he can in return.
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Ben, Karen and Mallaki Hayes
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | abril 17, 2024

Mallaki receives the gift of life and a new family

Ben and Karen Hayes knew no one could care for the foster boy like they could A 7-year-old boy in the foster care system was recovering from a life-saving liver transplant when two strangers walked…

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Tattoo on Joan Smith's arm of a heart with a tree growing out of it
Blog, LifeLines | abril 17, 2024

Tattoos for life, hope & remembrance in Organ Donation

Tattoos are a lasting and creative way to express love and creativity for the people and ideas that matter in life. We’ve seen a lot of meaningful ink from members of the donation and transplant community over the years.
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High school students holding plastinated organs as part of GIft of Life's All of Us youth education program
Blog, LifeLines | abril 15, 2024

Michigan is behind other states in educating youth about donation

A new state bill requiring a one-hour organ donation presentation for ninth graders in Michigan public schools is up for consideration in the Michigan House of Representatives this spring. That will begin the legislative review process to potentially add Michigan to a list of other states already providing donation education in schools.
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newborn and mom holding hands
Blog | abril 9, 2024

Placenta Donation Explained

Having a child is a life-changing experience. With all of the baby preparation, doctor’s appointments, and the planning- chances are you haven’t been too focused on things like what you’re going to do with the…

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Donate and save a life
Blog | abril 3, 2024

What Disqualifies you from being an Organ Donor?

Donating a kidney can help save somebody’s life, and Gift of Life Michigan works to provide resources for donors, recipients, and families. However, not everyone is qualified to be a living kidney donor (although you may…

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healthy lungs
Blog | abril 3, 2024

¿Puede una Persona viva Donar un Pulmón?

Organ donation has long been one of the most selfless acts someone can provide. Generous donations of blood, plasma, kidneys and other organs have helped people live through medical emergencies and stay healthy for decades…

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More than 100 staff at Munson Medical Center gathered to celebrate their upcoming Hospital of the Year Award - many of them came in on their day off to join the celebration.
News | marzo 1, 2024

Munson Medical Center Named Hospital of the Year by Gift of Life Michigan

Munson’s John Stanifer, MD and ICU Manager, Eric Jean also to be recognized. Gift of Life Michigan has announced that in April it will honor Munson Medical Center (MMC) as Hospital of the Year along…

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children holding hands
Blog | marzo 1, 2024

Can a Living Person Donate a Liver?

The liver is an important organ. It filters toxins out of your blood. You can’t live without one for more than a few days. Can a living person donate a liver? You might have heard…

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Blog | marzo 1, 2024

Donate Placenta Information

The placenta is a one-of-a-kind organ that plays a significant role in pregnancy. It assists in transmitting oxygen and essential nutrients between the maternal and baby’s blood and removes waste from the baby’s blood. Besides…

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A happy family
Blog | marzo 1, 2024

What Type of Tissue can be Donated?

There are several tissues that one can donate to save lives. This includes cornea, tendons, veins, skins, and bones. We usually hear much about organ donation, but tissue donation is quite different. Unlike organs, which…

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Dr. Bedi, Rachel Kuntzsch and Sarah Scantamburlo are new Gift of Life Governing Board members
News | febrero 21, 2024

Gift of Life Michigan announces new board members

New board members will bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table Gift of Life Michigan is proud to announce three new members joining its Governing Board of Directors.            …

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2023 was a record year for Gift of Life Michigan with 578 organ donors and 1,858 tissue donors
News | enero 15, 2024

Gift of Life Michigan smashes record for organ donors in 2023

More than 213,000 people join Donor Registry Gift of Life Michigan helped a record 578 people become organ donors and 1,858 to give the gift of tissue last year, saving thousands of lives and healing…

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Melinda Herrera, Neuro ICU nurse at Sparrow Hospital, will receive Gift of Life's 2024 Nurse Champion Award
News | enero 3, 2024

Sparrow Hospital nurse earns statewide donation champion award from Gift of Life Michigan

Malinda Herrera becomes a living donor to offer hope Malinda Herrera has been a passionate advocate of organ and tissue donation for years as a nurse on the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at Sparrow Hospital….

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Patrick Pruitt's eyesight was saved by a cornea donor when he was a young child.
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | diciembre 15, 2023

Cornea recipient celebrates his gift of sight

I’m here because 32 years ago I received a life-changing gift. Sight is an easy thing to take for granted and, like so much in life, you don’t realize how much you rely on it…

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Terri Finch Hamilton's father was a donor-in-spirit at the end of his life.
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | diciembre 15, 2023

My dad is a ‘donor in spirit’

I was familiar with Gift of Life and its life-saving mission, but why was she calling me? My dad was 86, with multiple health issues. His heart and lungs had failed him. His skin was old and thin. What could he possibly donate? “One of my colleagues is still researching your dad’s medical history,” Jacy said, “but he may be able to donate bone.” What Jacy needed to know from me now was pressing: Were we willing?
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Malinda Herrera of Lansing donated part of her liver in August to help a colleague’s spouse.
Blog | diciembre 15, 2023

New Michigan law protects health coverage for living organ donors

Gift of Life Michigan celebrates the passage of a law that prevents health insurers from denying or limiting coverage for living organ donors in this state. The law specifically prohibits insurers from denying or limiting life, health or long-term care insurance because someone decides to be a living donor.
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Gift of Life's President and CEO, Dorrie Dils, presented the Multicultural Difference Maker award to donor mother Artelia Griggs at the 2023 Champions Gala
Blog, LifeLines | diciembre 14, 2023

Donation champion award winners for 2024 will be announced this month

Tickets available for the popular April Gala Gift of Life Michigan will soon announce the names of about 20 donation champion award winners which will include Hospital of the Year, Legacy and Honoring Life through…

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Sherry Johnson, with hair pulled back right, sits on her bed in her hospital room while she waits for a second heart and kidney transplant. Her forearm is facing the camera so we can see her tattoo, representing her original heart and her first transplanted heart.
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | diciembre 14, 2023

You gave me your heart so I could live my dreams

Sherry Johnson shares her experiences as a heart transplant patient who waits again Sherry Johnson was so exhausted she couldn’t walk her two little boys to the bus stop. Brushing her teeth wiped her out….

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Taneisha Carswell received a kidney transplant from her cousin. Her young nephew later became a donor.
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | diciembre 14, 2023

Staff Spotlight: As a donation educator, Taneisha Carswell knows when to talk and when to listen

“This isn’t just a job or career for me,” Taniesha Carswell said. “It’s a passion. There’s no other job I could love this much, knowing that every day we’re saving lives through education, getting people to put that heart on their ID.”
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Chris Kowalski shared his story as a heart transplant recipient at the 2023 Inspiring Champions Symposium.
Blog, Stories of Hope | diciembre 14, 2023

Volunteer Spotlight: Chris Kowalski speaks while he waits for a life-saving heart transplant

Not much will stop this volunteer from telling his story Chris Kowalski won’t let much get in the way of telling people about organ donation. Not even Detroit Tigers superstar Miguel Cabrera. Chris talked to…

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Kay Walters, pictured with her daughter, received a heart transplant in 1997.
Blog, Stories of Hope | diciembre 14, 2023

Transplant Throwback: Kay Walters

I had my heart transplant in April 1997, after years of serious health complications caused by a heart attack and cardiac arrest in 1989. Since my transplant, I have enjoyed an overall healthy life. At my last check-up at the heart transplant clinic, my doctor gave me an A-.
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A new marketing campaign will help tax preparers and Michigan tax payers check a brand new box on state income tax forms to sign up.
Blog | diciembre 14, 2023

Do taxes. Save lives.

The new Check Your Heart law will place the organ and tissue donation question on Michigan income tax forms for the 2023 tax year and beyond. Michigan is the first state to offer the opportunity to register to be a donor this way.
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Rev. Dr. .Remonia Chapman is Gift of Life Michigan’s director of public education and community relations and program director of Detroit MOTTEP (Minority Organ and Tissue Transplant Education Program). She holds a Doctor of Divinity and serves as associate pastor at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit.
Blog, LifeLines | diciembre 13, 2023

It’s a matter of faith and facts

Understanding religious perspectives on organ and tissue donation One of the misconceptions or barriers that repeatedly arise in conversations about organ and tissue donation is whether it’s permitted based on the beliefs of one’s faith. To address this, Gift of Life Michigan created “A Matter of Faith,” a video that discusses the important role of faith in the realm of donation. Its production was supported by members of the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit.
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Nationwide Organ Recovery Transport Alliance (NORA) helps Gift of Life and local transplant hospitals move organs and medical teams around the state.
Blog, LifeLines | diciembre 13, 2023

Organ Transport Vehicle

Organs and transplant teams are probably on board Ever wonder what that passing SUV covered in organ and tissue transplant branding is all about? You probably ask yourself, who or what is inside? Where is…

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Mike Lopez (left) received a liver transplant when John Edmond (right) donated his 7-year old daughter's organs
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | diciembre 13, 2023

A brotherhood is born out of death, life and gratitude

John Edmond barely gave it a thought as a woman from Gift of Life Michigan entered his young daughter’s room in the pediatric Intensive Care Unit. He knew his 7-year-old would not survive her accidental…

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2023: A RECORD YEAR; 500 organ donors
News | noviembre 20, 2023

Gift of Life Michigan breaks record for organ donors in a year

Unprecedented 500 donors save lives so far in 2023 Michigan’s organ and tissue donation program has broken another record by reaching the 500 organ donors mark in a single year with more than a month…

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a green stethoscope surrounding two pink paper kidneys on a gray background
News | noviembre 10, 2023

Gift of Life Michigan CEO praises protections for living organ donors

Gift of Life Michigan celebrates the passage of a law that prevents health insurers from denying or limiting coverage for living organ donors in this state. Sen. Kevin Hertel sponsored the measure (SB 384), which…

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All of Us traveling trunks, full of giveaways, brochures and other educational materials, are available for teachers across the state of Michigan.
LifeLines, News | octubre 20, 2023

A New Bill: Requires Schools to Teach Organ Donation in MI

A new bill introduced in October in the Michigan House would require education about organ, eye and tissue donation for 9th graders in public schools statewide. Twenty-four states, including neighboring Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, require it. Michigan does not. As a result, double the percentage of young people register as organ donors in those states when they get their first driver’s license.
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Curpri Sanders received the gift of a tissue donation for her reconstruction surgery after a double mastectomy.
Blog, Stories of Hope | octubre 16, 2023

Tissue Donation for Breast Cancer Survior

“I can look in the mirror every day and not be reminded of the hell I went through.” Curpri Sanders experienced the happiest time in her life and the saddest in the same month. As…

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Guadalupe Alejos, who received a kidney transplant 50 years ago, standing in front of the Kidney Transplant Center sign
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | septiembre 12, 2023

Transplant Throwback: Guadalupe Alejos 

In this series we are looking back with transplant recipients and learning how they are making the most of their second chance at life. In this issue we talk with Guadalupe Alejos, who received a kidney transplant from his brother 50 years ago!
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Heart transplant recipient Rachel Kuntzsch
Blog, LifeLines, Stories of Hope | septiembre 12, 2023

Lansing heart recipient saves lives by telling her story of hope

Life was “exceedingly rich” for Rachel Kuntzsch when it nearly slipped into darkness forever. She was happy, 44 and her Lansing consulting firm was thriving. Rachel was a strong, vibrant mom, friend, daughter and wife….

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A group of Gift of Life staff, transplant recipients and legislators gathers around Governor Whitmer, who is seated at her desk and holding up the signed Check Your Heart Act
Blog, LifeLines, News | septiembre 12, 2023

New law lets residents sign up through tax forms

Michigan residents who haven’t yet added their names to the Michigan Organ Donor Registry will have a new and easy way to do so in 2024. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the Check Your Heart Act…

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Newborn baby wrapped in orange towel with headband
Blog, LifeLines | septiembre 12, 2023

Baby Jade Townsend saves the life of another infant

One of Gift of Life Michigan’s smallest donors – baby Jade Townsend, who lived for just 55 minutes in 2021 – saved the life of another infant this spring. But perhaps her most compelling and lasting legacy is an important protocol change. That’s because Gift of Life Michigan – on behalf of Jade and her parents – asked LeMaitre Vascular in Massachusetts to consider taking Jade’s valve despite her birth weight of just 3 pounds, 7 ounces.
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Check Your Heart graphic featuring Aimee Cruz saying "I'm here today because someone checked their heart."
Blog | septiembre 12, 2023

Using digital marketing to save lives

Gift of Life Michigan's "Check Your Heart" campaign is using data and telling the stories of donors, their families and organ and tissue recipients whose lives are changed by their gifts.
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