Educator Resources

Gift of Life Michigan is proud to present this youth-focused program to educate and inspire the next generation to donate life!

All of Us student education program

All of Us is a great addition to middle school science and high school biology, anatomy, or health curriculums, but we welcome presentation opportunities for all students!

Students will have the opportunity to:
• Learn about transplantable organs and tissues and the donation process
• Examine human organ and tissue specimens (photos above are plastinated human organs)
• Complete activities and simulations that demonstrate what it’s like to need a transplant and why they are necessary
• Learn about the Michigan Organ Donor Registry

All of Us educators may be available for in-person class presentations. Groups with less than 50 students and more than 100 miles away from Grand Rapids, Flint, or Detroit may request a trunk with materials and activities to be completed in the classroom in conjunction with a virtual presentation.

Please note:

We may request student and staff in the classroom to wear masks out of respect for our transplant recipient guests who are immunocompromised.

All of the program’s educational materials are available electronically. Giveaways and brochures can be shipped to you. There is absolutely no cost for this program!

The All of Us Student Education Program was inspired by the Donor Alliance Transplantation Science program. Content and logos used with permission.

Complete this short form to learn more and access the digital resources!
The name of the school or organization where you'll be using the All of Us program.
The city used in your school's address.
What email address can we reach you at?
What number can we reach you at?
For which grade level(s) will you be using All of Us?
How many students will you be sharing All of Us with?
Are you interested in an All of Us guest presenter?
Guest presentations can be done virtually, and sometimes in person.
How did you hear about the All of Us program?(Required)

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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