Celebrate National Donate Life Month

National Donate Life Month is marked by events around the country that raise awareness of the importance of organ donation. The purpose of the month is to encourage everyone to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of donation. April has been designated National Donate Life Month since 2003.

National Donate Life Month logo

Why is National Donate Life Month important?

Despite the overwhelming support for organ donation in America, many adults are still not registered as organ donors.

National Donate Life Month is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor and to educate people about the process. There are many common myths about organ donation that prevent adults from registering as organ and tissue donors, including misconceptions about donor health, religious restrictions and patient care. The events held during National Donate Life Month help organizations like Gift of Life Michigan reach more people and explain how the organ donation process and donor registry actually work.

In addition, National Donate Life Month is a time to honor organ donors who have changed lives with their gift(s). Gift of Life Michigan and its counterparts work hard to celebrate organ donors and support donor families every day, but April can also be a special time for reflection.

Learn more about National Donate Life Month on our website!

Press Kit

Fact sheets, press releases and content for the media.

Social Media graphics

Show your support for donation by posting this graphics on your social media.


Additional support information for everyone.

Connections. Stories. Impact.

Every transplant recipient, donor family and waiting patient’s story illustrates the impact donation has on our family, friends and surrounding communities, whether direct or indirect.

Read about these stories of connection and share your own!

Carla Bussell, pictured here with her husband at the Check Your Heart Capitol Rally, received a double lung transplant.
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