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Inspire Hope

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We will be in touch with you to learn more and develop your story. These stories inspire hope and action for people on the transplant waiting list, families of donors, and people who are considering registering as an organ donor.

Remeberance Ceremony

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Stories of Hope

Kendall Todd received a heart transplant shortly after being added to the national waiting list.

“We are so grateful for them. They didn’t have to donate. They chose to.” 

When Cewanda Todd was 19-weeks pregnant, she was told her unborn daughter had a heart…

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Jessica Bailey with her father, Deacon Lawrence Bailey, at a Detroit Lions game.

Kidney recipient and passionate advocate becomes tissue donor

Deacon Lawrence J. Bailey was a kidney transplant recipient, husband, father and a fervent advocate…

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Steven Dye received a kidney transplant when his coworker, Jaime donated a kidney.

Police officer’s life saved by a colleague

Steven Dye seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms before he was diagnosed with chronic kidney…

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Jen Bennett has a new outlook on life, finding herself even more sympathetic and patient with people after her burn accident.

Gift of donor skin saves a mother of three after severe burn accident

Jen Bennett, a mother of three from Ravenna, Mich., was working hard to get healthier…

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Michael Love, two-time double lung transplant recipient, is a Gift of Life volunteer

Volunteer Spotlight: Two-time lung recipient gives hope to those waiting for a miracle of their own

When Michael Love woke up groggy from his lung transplant surgery in 2015, he instinctively…

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Donor mom Kathy Vogelsang holding a framed photo of her daughter, Rebecca

A donor mom becomes leader in the donation community

Kathy Vogelsang lends vision as chair of Gift of Life’s Governing Board  Kathy Vogelsang said…

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