Eric Dolin

This photo was taken about 3 weeks before Eric died. He had very recently obeyed the gospel and been baptized into Christ. On his 52nd birthday, March/08/2006, Eric was in the hospital. I spoke to him at length that day on the phone. Eric told me how extremely happy he was at that time of his life. He said he loved his life more than he ever had. He told me that he was happier than he’d ever been. Eric lived a very modest life, didn’t have much money or many of the “extras” in life. His home was a small, old mobile home out in the country. Throughout my life Ive seen Eric survive numerous very rough times. That day, to hear him tell me how very happy he was brought tears to my eyes. He’d finally arrived at a content and peaceful state of mind. That night Eric had an aneurysm rupture in his brain and never regained consciousness. Looking back on that occasion it almost seems as if it was planned. Eric reached the point in life when he was happier than ever and then his life ended. I know he would have been thrilled to donate his organs to give life to to others. I just imagine him smiling looking down from heaven with pleasure at the sight of the people who received his kidneys and liver. That thought makes me smile knowing that organ donation is definitely the right decision.

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