Dr. Marwan Abouljoud


“Organ donation and transplantation is the gateway from the dying to the living.”

Dr. Marwan Abouljoud isn’t just a surgeon. He’s a transplant surgeon. World renowned for his abilities in liver and split liver transplant, as well as kidney transplantation, Dr. Abouljoud knows his job is special. Click here to sign up.

“As we practice transplantation, we enter a new world – the world of suffering and hope,” he said. “That’s different than hernia and gall bladder surgery.”

Transplant surgeons are perpetually reminded about the true meaning of life, the true meaning of hope and how they fit into it as humans and healers.

“I think you develop a different level of respect for what it means to donate an organ,” Dr. Abouljoud said. “Organ donation and transplantation is the gateway from the dying to the living. On the donor side, we can help the family with closure. On the recipient side, it’s about a new chance – a new start.

“When it happens, you gain an awareness about what matters in life, whether you’re the donor family, the recipient or healthcare provider.”

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