Sam Allen


Dr. Sam Allen, who lost his good friend to kidney disease, is committed to helping others get the transplants they desperately need. Click here to sign up.

As a student in medical school, Sam Allen could only watch and hope for healing as his good friend and suitemate struggled with serious kidney disease.

His friend was strong and patient as he lived with his illness and, ultimately, graduated from med school. A few years later, his friend died waiting for a new kidney. Dr. Allen learned the news on his wedding day.

Today, Allen is a pulmonary and critical care specialist and champion for organ donation at Beaumont Hospital in Troy. Allen serves on the hospital’s donation committee, attends state and national conferences on organ donation and works to help his hospital have the best outcomes when organs are recovered.

He does it for the roughly 3,000 people waiting for life-saving transplants in Michigan. And he does it for his friend, who couldn’t wait any longer.

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