
Allen F. Gillett

1. “Let my work speak for me” was printed on the top of Allen’s casket. Our niece Lisa saw it on display at the funeral home and said, “Aunt Nancy, that’s Uncle Allen to the tee”.
2. “Smile”- The photo of Allen was taken by a Kalamazoo Gazette photographer when Allen was named, MRC Volunteer of the Year 2007. When we asked the photographer, Adreon Johnson, if we could use the negative, this is what he wrote to our brother Ken. “I wanted to give this to you because Allen was the best headshot I’ve ever done. I asked him to smile and he gave me such a brilliant grin. I’m glad I was able to capture it”. He also said he would never forget Allen and his beautiful smile. MRC is a wonderful place that helps those with either brain or physical problems. Allen was our special gift from heaven. His brain damage was from when he was very young. He was the youngest of four boys and I’m the little sister. We all tried to make sure he was safe and happy, especially after our mom died in 2005.

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