Anthony Chase White

Anthony Chase White was born 12/9/06 and passed on 7/10/07. We have no idea what the cause of death was. When Anthony was here he gave so much love to all of us. His mother, Stephenie White, grandmother Nane and myself, his grandfather Steve White. There was also his Aunt Richelle King and all his cousins and family members. Everyone Anthony met he brought a smile to their faces. Anthony was loved by so many people he had the best smile that a boy could give. He loved to play with his toys and he loved the water. He and I would take baths together. I am very lost without him, as well as his mother and grandmother. I called him “My Little Man”. Every time I called him that he would light up with that great smile of his. he may have been young but very smart for his age. He was like an old soul when he passed. We thought Anthony would like to help others and we donated his organs to “The Gift of Life”. He may be gone, but he does live on in others and so he does live on. Anthony will be very missed but never forgotten by many.

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