Arnie Klonowski

Arnie is remembered by all who knew him as a kind, generous, gentle soul who was always willing and happy to help others. This along with his sweet demeanor earned him a multitude of friends. He never said a mean word about anyone causing family members and some friends to refer to him as St. Arnie. He was a devoted husband & father & grandfather and was much loved in return. His 2 children, 5 grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews fondly recall him balancing them on his hand as toddlers. He spent many hours videotaping their childhoods, leaving them with that precious gift. It is appropriate & we are very happy that his final act was, once again, one of helping others. We are so glad that his beautiful blue, smiling eyes have helped others to see. Arnie, we miss your sweetness, optimism & delicious ham sandwiches but most of all, your gentle love & warm hugs.

We will always love you!

The hearts surrounding Arnie on the quilt represent his love for us & our love for him.

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