
Burnetta Louise Williams

Burnetta Louise Williams, a proud black woman, was a loving mother, grandmother, aunt, sister and friend. Her paramount importance in life was God and family. She spent countless hours praying for her family’s health and safety. Her family was her Heaven on Earth. Her decision to become an organ donor was prompted in part by conversations with her loving granddaughter, Nancy and also by her desire to make a meaningful and lasting contribution to society. In the theme of her quilt patch, “Family” she is once again surrounded by her beloved family. Without a doubt it is believed that this would make her happy. Driven by her desire for family togetherness, before her departure she made the family promise to love and care for one another. In recognition of her unselfish contribution, the family proudly adds her name with “Threads of love,” to the Memories from Michigan, Donor family Quilt; and further it is our honor to unite our family with another proud family- The Betty Buckley Donor Family

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