Douglas Allen Woodruff

Doglas Woodruff, seen with legos, baseballs, pizza, tacos and more

Doug’s Sweet Hearts Douglas (1991) was (is) the oldest of four. We would say he was the “thorn” among the roses. His siblings were all girls, Miranda (1992), Kaitlin (1997) and Alyssa (1998). In the girls’ eyes Doug was the rose and they just loved him. He watched over them and was their hero and protector and buddy. What a hole was left in their hearts when he traveled on down the road. How great it would be if they were to meet one day, a recipient of Doug’s gift. Douglas loved a party and all the celebration. Great Grandma had cousins over (the boys) for Douglas second birthday. Douglas is beside the birthday present. They all had a great time and continued to see each other at family reunions and Thanksgiving and all the great get-togethers. Poem Remedy- Memories will bring you love from the past? courage in the present? hope for the future. Memories are a “Gift from God” that death can not destroy. Gift of Life program helps to carry them on. Douglas was born on his Great Grandparent’s anniversary (2/27/91). “Gift of Your Life” Our family was blessed with Doug for fourteen years. He made the most of everyday and lived it to the fullest. Doug’s life- his words, his actions and his love for family and friends. Doug’s soul embodied all that is pure and good. Doug was so friendly, helping others always. Our hearts and souls forever touched by our “angel eyes.” Our lives enriched always, by Doug coming our way for a reason. Doug’s journey into Heaven has provided a “Gift of Life” for a precious soul. Doug never knew a stranger and hi life story lives on through others. May Doug’s soul “twinkle” in their eyes. Doug’s Beginning- Mom and Dad. A mother’s love for children is a very special thing, filled with all the many days that motherhood can bring. Days when they misbehave and try your patience so, days when they are sweet and kind and let their loving feeling show. A father’s love for children is very strong and pure. There is no problem that a child may have which a father’s love can’t cure. A parent’s love for children is a never ending thing. It lasts from day to day and year to year, through summer, winter, fall, and spring. That special love continues still when someone’s child has died, for the feelings that a parent has are impossible to hide. (From T.C.F.) “So hope and dream through someone else from the Gift of Life.” My Favorite Things. Douglas had many favorite things. On this quilt patch are a few things. His picture (Dougie) at almost two years (almost) every picture of Doug has a beautiful smile and thinking eyes. He loved legos creating and coming up with master pieces. Doug loved fishing and playing baseball and catch with Grandpa. He loved cookies from Grandma’s, and he couldn’t get enough pizza or tacos. Burritos were a favorite, and he loved Mexican food at a local “Los Panchos.” One of the best things- Doug loved to fool around with rubber bands. His friends called him the “rubber band man.” He loved smiley faces and had the most wonderful smile on his face 24-7! This quilt patch was made in loving memory of my nephew Douglas Allen Woodruff. He would have been 15 on 2/27/2006, but God had other plans for him. I am so honored to be able to keep Douglas’s memory alive by what Gift of Life has done to make that possible. I hope and pray others will be moved and decide to give the best gift of all and this is. Life and hope to others? Knowing what Doug has done to people’s lives, I know that will be passed on. Douglas is not gone; he is just vesting within the hearts and souls of all his recipients.

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