Gary Labonte Jr.

Gary Jr. As a child loved to play with his Gi Joes and when it came to halloween he wanted to dress as a Gi Joe. His favorite things are basketball,track,soccer,video games, but most of all roller hockey. He joined the army (82nd Airborne) after graduation. He loved to jump out of airplanes, he was so excited to get his wings. He went to Itaq on Feb. of 2003 and fought in the war till he returned to North Carolina in Feb. of 2oo4. He bought himself amotor cycle and just loved it. That was his baby. Jr. went back to Iraq for the fist elections in Dec. 2004. He mad sgt new yearks eve of the army in Jan of 2006 and joined the reserves. I quess it was in his blood being in the military. Thankyou son, for serving our country. Jr. let us know he wanted to be and organ donor, when he found out an aunt needed a kidney. He was there for her if he could help. Thanks again son for giving the best gift of all. Life. Thanks for all the memories and love. Ride on soldier. You are always in our hearts. Miss you so much.

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