Hayden Milton Smith

Even though Hayden was sonly 17 when he died, he made the decision himself to be an organ donor on his driver’s license. Because he was under 18 it had to be approved by his parents, but we knew it was the right decision when we found out at the hospital that he wasn’t going to survive the brain injury from his car accident.It was a miracle that Hayden was even alive at the scene of the accident and that his torso was virtually untouched, protecting his organs. Hayden was a gifted athlete who took exceptional care of his body working out every day and watching what he ate so we are glad others have been able to benefit from that.Hayden was an amazing and wonderful person and we miss him terribly. What is getting us through this difficult time is that we know he is in heaven right now and that we will see him again someday because he trusted in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at a young age. Here is one of his favorite Bible verses from Romans 6: 23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of god is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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