Howard F. Marshick

Howard Fredrick Marshick (Howie) 6-26-1942 to 8-17-2011. (68 years of age) He was in the navy – photo in his navy jacket (1961). His photo with wife Betty (Mrs. Mmmmmm) (1976). His favorite pet – “Shad”- a German Shepherd. Howie with the plane he flew to get his pilot’s license in 1987. He loved flying! He graduated from highschool in Inkster, MI, and went to Henry Ford College to become a skilled Tradesman in Tool & Die. He was an avid fan of the Red Wings Hockey team as well as the Detroit Tigers, Lions, and Pistons. He is missed by his wife and our kids, and great granddaughter, Kayla (7 years).

Thank you, Betty Marshick.

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