Jim Ritz

Jims quilt patch was made by me, Jane, Jims wife of 32 years. His name was made in his favorite color. The heart represents the love he shared with his famiy, friends, faith and life. The heart says “Jim + Jane”. It is circled by the names of his beloved children Jennifer and Michael, grandchildren Emma, Audrey and Brandon. The rest of the names are dear friends. Jim was a very religious man. He loved his church and all the people there. The cross represents St. Patricks Church in Detroit, Michigan.Jim was a newpaper man. He was awarded life time acheivement awards from his company and belonged to the National Society of Professionsl Journalists. I chose to put his “by-line” “Jim Ritz” to represent his successful career (rather than his legal name James John Ritz) The American flag is symbolic of his service in the United States Army. Jim loved musicals. One of his favorites was “George M”, Yankee Doodle Dandy being a special song he liked to sing.