
Johnathon “John” Arthur-Xavier Jordan

Johnathon Arthur-Xavier Jordan, a young man that gave life and is still giving. I thank God for blessing me with a young man who I’m proud to call my son. At the age of 18, John decided to become an organ donor while obtaining his state ID. He was so excited about making a decision by himself. His response was, “what will I do with them when I die,” with a smile from ear to ear. John always had a positive attitude, he spoke to everyone he passed. I learned so much about John thru his friends, teachers and other parents. How he motivated his friends and teammates. John’s future was to join the military and became an MP. This future came to a sudden halt, however, from this tragic event. John was able to donate all of his organs, tissues and eyes. John inspired family and friends to become organ donors. Life is about giving…

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