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We will be in touch with you to learn more and develop your story. These stories inspire hope and action for people on the transplant waiting list, families of donors, and people who are considering registering as an organ donor.
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Stories of Hope
Transplant Throwback: Chef Oliver Hale
Name: Chef Oliver Hale (Chef O) Age: 71 Home: Kentwood, Michigan Transplant: Kidney, twice …
Volunteer Spotlight: With her vision restored, Leslie Palacios helps others see the need to be donors
Before Leslie Palacios received two new corneas, her life was a blur. The Grand Rapids…
Mom of five can breath again
Carla Bussell waited six years to take a good breath. In 2009, shortly after the…
Small steps to a big milestone
As an Army sergeant and medic, Lisa Haney was trained to save lives. Then her…
Transplant Throwback: David Rozelle
Name: David Rozelle Age: 86 Home: Kalamazoo, Michigan Transplant: Heart Why did you need a…
Mallaki receives the gift of life and a new family
Ben and Karen Hayes knew no one could care for the foster boy like they…