Katie Tracy Thomas

Katie was my daughter. My only child. Katie was 16 years old when we lost her, in Nov. of 2001. Katie would often put an I love you note in my lunch bag I took to work, which I always loved to find. She would also from time to time put a rubber mouse in my lunch bag, which would always scare me to death. Sometimes she would tape the mouse?s tail to the top of the frig, so it would drop in my face when I opened the door. Katie was always fun loving and a Great Joy to have in my life!! I love her sense of humor!!! xoxoxoxo This is how Katie and I signed our notes to each other. I love you Katie!!!Katies full name is Katharine Tracy Thomas, born May 16th 1985. We lost her Nov. 16th, 2001. Her Grandpa Coville always called her “Katie Didie?, I named her after Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. xoxoxoxo Love you Mom.