Kim Snow

Kim was having great joy with our parrot “Sweet Pea” and “Prissy” the Pomeranian on the floor and her daughter’s dog in the riding carrying pouch. When Kim loved, her eyes would sparkle with love, for people and animals. She had a great gift to give out – love to everyone no matter what they were, her ma was just like that. I enjoyed being with my wife & I loved to just watch her in her God given love. She was an Ordained Chaplain & helped countless amounts of people. She had a special gift of healing in her hands. She loved the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we both were very active with them. She could not help but to pour her self out on others. A beautiful heart- tender & generous to all. I am blessed for 25 years. I miss her and I know where I can find her & when Christ Jesus is through using me, we will be in one place again.

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