Laura E. Herlache

Laura Herlache was 28 years old on September 28,2006 when she was killed by a 16 year old driver who crossed several lanes of traffic and smashed into her car. Laura was on her way to teach fifth through eighth grade special education students at Burton Glen Charter Academy that Thursday morning. Laura was a passionate teacher and advocate for her students. She was in her second year of teaching special education and truly loved her students and always did her best for them. When Laura was killed, it left a hole in the hearts of her students and in the school. She was almost finished with her Masters Degree in Special Education at Saginaw Valley State University. Laura coached the cross country team at her school. She also was in charge of Mileage Club, an after school running club for children of all ages, at Burton Glen Charter Academy. She could often be seen holding the hands of her youngest runners after school and singing silly songs with them as they ran around the school grounds. Laura was so full of life that it seems impossible to believe that she is no longer with us. When Laura died, it seemed the only possible thing to do would be to donate whatever organ/tissues we could so that someone else might have a fuller life.

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