Lisa Marie Weber

Lisa Marie Weber (26) attending MSU 3rd year Med Student. Upper left corner… Lisa & her dog Missy who will be 18 in February!! Lisa loved school (even when she was 3 she would set up school papers and a desk and write & color) Center top: Sister Michelle, brother Frank, Mom in middle & Lisa at her Aunt & Uncle’s 35th wedding anniversary. Left top: Lisa always found “fun” in everything & made everyone smile…All her co-students wrote that about her. Lisa set 3 high school records in track…800m- 2:29, 1600m- 5:28, 3200m- 11:57……She was in 3 sports (Basketball, Volleyball, track) each HS year for 4 years…plus worked at the Pharmacy @ Putvins. Next Picture is Ron & sister Michelle’s wedding picture from 9-4-10.
Bottom left is Lisa’s nephew Alex…she loved her nephew and niece Leah bottom right. Just below Lisa’s big picture is her grandpa and grandma Weber and grandma Ruth with all of us…Centered is her white coat ceremony at MSU… Lisa was so beautiful!!! Inside & out….She was always helping everyone & donating her time & going the extra mile to find out how to help…First I think her schooling was the world to her (8 years @ MSU – bachelor degree, paramedic 1 ½ years & 2 years of med school) and second she loved her family… spent all her free days camping, on picnics, snowmachining & having fun with us….

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