Patrick Dobb

I am writing a short story about Patrick Dobb. I am his wife Sabrina. We met in the early 90’s. He was in a wheelchair because of an accident in the late 80’s. The accident was caused by a drunk driver. Doctors did not give him hope of living. But to everyone’s amazement he lived until 11-23-11. He raised his infant son from his chair all alone. After over 50 operations, meds and infections left him to be able to donate only his eyes. But two people have another chance to see now. This is important because my daughter was born blind. If someone would have gotten his heart, they would have felt so much love. I was one of the lucky ones to get that love, straight from him.

I am a donor and encourage all who can to do so. It is a way of having you and/or a loved one live on. In a world such as this, I believe we can all be angels and give the gift of life.

Thank you for taking time to get to know my husband a little and therefore keeping his memory alive.

Sincerely, Sabrina Dobb.

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