Robert Craig Sherrill

My son Robert Craig Sherrill was born on May 1, 1960. He was blessed with a beautiful smile and the bluest eyes you could imagine. He reminds me of Robert Redford.

Unfortunately my son had a hard time in school. One time the teacher actually tied him to a chair. He made friends easily but had a hard time keeping them. When his dog was killed by a car, he dashed for the car in the sub-division. He had a lot of heart. He even carried the leash for a long time.

He never married nor had children. I miss him a lot and think of him often. Each year on the day he died, March 23, 2009, the family gets together at the cemetery where we celebrate his life.

I became involved with the Gift of Life program when my son Robert was killed. At that time I decided to donate his body so his life had meaning and purpose.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a presentation held at the CHASS Center, where I am a board member. I was impressed with the various speakers and their stories.

Hearing and seeing the number of people waiting for transplants impacted my views on donors for life. Gift of Life is a good cause that I believe needs to be publicized more.

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