Tracey Lynne Oskey

Tracey was everyone’s friend. The top left is Tracey with her son Beltesh, to the right of that Is Tracey with her daughter Nicole at her wedding just 6 months prior to Tracey’s passing. Her brother Tim and Tracey were so funny together. The picture on the top right is Tracey and her son Beltesh again. Right in the middle is Tracey and her mother Marcia, they were very close. On the bottom left are Tracey, Beltesh and 2 Grandsons River and Colhbe, and 4 nephews, Tanner, Keaton, Landin, and Lavery. The next picture is Tracey, her sister Michelle and grandson Colhbe, and sister-in-law Jennifer.

The bottom picture on the right is our Angel Tracey Lynne Oskey.

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