Your chapter can help save lives!
Join the service project that saves lives and earns you money. Michigan HOSA Chapters that participate in the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge between October 7 and November 1, 2024 will earn points for cash prizes.
What is the HOSA Challenge?
The Gift of Life HOSA Challenge is a service project that offers HOSA students a unique opportunity to merge their passion for healthcare with the vital mission of saving and healing lives through organ and tissue donation. Their efforts will directly impact the more than 2,400 Michigan patients waiting for life-saving organ transplants.
During the challenge, students recruit their peers and community members to join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry. Participants can earn cash prizes by completing activities that educate them about the importance of organ and tissue donation.

How does it work?
- Sign your chapter up to participate at golm.org/hosa.
- Register to attend the HOSA Challenge webinar on October 1 at 7 p.m. at golm.org/HOSAChallengeWebinar. The webinar will cover donation basics and how to sign people up on the Michigan Organ Donor Registry.
- Keep an eye out for your free toolkit with your custom Donor Registry link, materials and giveaways. Toolkits will be mailed the week of September 30.
- From October 7 to November 1, complete activities listed on the scorecard and log them at golm.org/hosa to earn points. (Wondering about the activities? See the scorecard attached.)
- Redeem your points for Visa gift cards.

why it matters
Michigan teens join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry at lower rates than other states. It’s not because they’re less generous, they’re simply lacking the education needed to make a decision about donation.
HOSA students have a unique opportunity to change that, by sharing the facts about organ and tissue donation with their peers and then providing them the opportunity to register to be donors.

Download Resources
Click below to download resources from the digital HOSA Challenge Toolkit.
Register Donors
Click below to register new donors and earn points for your school.
Submit Activities
Click the link below to log your completed activities and earn points.
Current Results
Parent Information
Anyone may join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry, including minors. Parents may legally revoke the decision of a minor to be a donor until that individual turns 18. We encourage anyone considering the decision to be a donor to discuss it with their family.
Anyone can remove their name from the registry by contacting Gift of Life Michigan or by visiting a Secretary of State office.
Contact us at [email protected] or 866-500-5801.